
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Serving Others

First of all, I'm a Mormon (LDS).  Second of all, I help with my congregation's Young Women (YW).  Thirdly, each week on Wednesday we have Mutual (formerly MIA Mutual Improvement Association).  Fourth, this month everyone in our congregation is encouraged to do 50 hours of service.  So for example, the YW as a whole need 50 hours.  So 10 people working for an hour would be 10 hours.  Then the adult women's org. needs 50 hours, the children 50 hours, etc.  (the only bonus the kids have is bodies to do hours, so I'm sure they'll accomplish theirs really fast!)  

So now that you're all acronym-ed up, :O)  last night was Mutual and we had previously asked some of the ladies expecting new additions (see baby) if they needed any help cleaning.  (Yeah you try getting on your hands and knees and scrubbing the tub with a basketball in your way!) Some of them said yes and we made plans to get together.  When we arrived last night I think our lady, Alicia, was a little bit timid about having us help and couldn't think of enough chores for each of us.  :O)  But after we got started, everyone enjoyed themselves.  (its so easy when you're not alone!!) and then she kept thinking of new things!  haha! 

I think we're all like that sometimes.  When people ask if we need help we're trained to say; "no, I got this in the bag!" When really we don't even take the time to think about things that they could do for us!  Once they're there and helping and happy about it, everything is great!  So the next time someone asks you if you need help, give it some thought and say yes!

When was the last time you helped someone else? 

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